Explore Your Dream Destinations
Unforgettable vacations tailored just for you.
Explore Your Dream Destinations
Unforgettable vacations tailored just for you.
Unforgettable vacations tailored just for you.
Unforgettable vacations tailored just for you.
The travel agency team at Vacations "R" Us is committed to excellence in everything we do. Finding the best deals for our travelers and managing trip details are just some of the ways in which we make your vacation planning easier. Browse through our vacation offerings and see if anything interests you. If you still haven’t found something you like, get in touch with us and we will customize a trip together.
Whether you're looking for a cruise, plane tickets, accommodations, or the whole package, we have you covered. Simply tell one of our specialists where you want to go, and we'll help you figure out the rest. We work directly with other companies to get the best deals.
At Vacation “R” Us Travel, the sky is the limit in terms of creating your next travel itinerary. Our knowledgeable and experienced agents are waiting to plan every detail of your upcoming trip, so you’re completely satisfied with your experience.
If you have questions about us or our services, get in touch and we will help plan the vacation of your dreams.
I am Shauntia, your independent travel advisior who has a number of years of experience in finding the lowest fares when helping to secure the best travel deal according to your specific preferences and needs. I am a certified Travel Genius, Certified Cruise Counselor and hold several certifications such as: Disney Vacation Planner, Jamaica Travel Specialist, Atlantis Ambassador, and Bahamas Specialist just to name a few.
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